To procure those thousands o' little gems fashioned out of hot lava throats, dripping ink pens and sweaty palms & psalms.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

"I'm Gonna Get Your Love" by Jade (1982)

First Dawn of Italo Pop in America?

Italo Pop refers to a specific genre of electronic-based dance music that came out of the disco era of the late 70's and into the age of electro-pop within the early 80's but died out quickly by 1985 (at least in American and British dance clubs). Some italo pop showed promising talent in the realm of creating new and fresh melodies in an era dominated by heavier, synthpop with a very "English" sound and American hard rock, heavy metal or R&B and dance music. Not a lot of info out there in America about italo pop, as it never did catch on outside of sweaty gay clubs and discos. Twin Sister (an American indie rock/dance band from New York) recently performed La Bionda's song "I wanna Be Your Lover" live on their last tour of 2010. Therefore, I predict at least some peaked lukewarm interest in a long lost yet intriguing genre of European dance music.

La Bionda-"I Wanna Be Your Lover" (1981)